Package Tray Trim Side Cover Right Hand

About this product

The Package Tray Trim Side Cover Right Hand (#64333-16070-E0), a vital Body part in the Package Tray Panel & Luggage Compartment Mat system, serves a primary role in protecting and concealing the vehicle's rear internal components. This Toyota genuine part, covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, assures compatibility with your Toyota vehicle. In operation, the cover shields sensitive components from debris, dust and other potential damage. As the part ages, it may break or become less efficient at its job, potentially exposing internal components to harm or causing the tray to lose its secure fit. Periodic replacement maintains the integrity of your vehicle's internal structure and keeps the luggage compartment tidy and safe. To sum up, the Package Tray Trim Side Cover Right Hand (#64333-16070-E0) is integral to the vehicle's efficiency, safety, and cleanliness.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 64333-16080-E0
Part Number 64333-16070-E0
Color Name Oak

Core Charge

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